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How do I immediately grow my lists in Klaviyo?
Increase your Marketing Consent Rate with the Dataships app on your Shopify checkout. Get weekly insights on Dataships’ impact on your business with a live dashboard in our Control Panel.
Shopify’s One size fits all
Pre Dataships
This configuration has an average Marketing Consent Rate of 22%
  • Missed growth opportunities: You’re collecting excessive consent in certain countries where the legal requirement is lower

  • Risk of fines and reputational damage: You’re collecting inadequate consent in certain countries where the legal requirement is higher

  • Lack of traceability: The absence of robust compliance records creates uncertainty over time about eligible marketing contacts
Our Dynamic solution
With Dataships
Our configuration has an average Marketing Consent Rate of 88%
  • Maximize growth potential: Intelligently collect the optimal level of consent per country

  • Mitigate compliance risk: Always collect the required level of consent according to the law

  • Instil confidence: Eliminate the uncertainties with comprehensive records for every contact and consent interaction
Collect, Verify, Sync, and Maintain your email marketing audience
How it works
  • Collect: Present dynamic location-based consent checkboxes to optimize growth and compliance
  • Verify: Our rules engine validates consent, cross-references opt-out lists, and generates audit-ready compliance logs
  • Sync: Everything you need synced to Klaviyo and Shopify in real time
  • Maintain: Continuously updating as contacts return to your store to purchase again or unsubscribe from your emails
Our SMS Product
Market compliantly to your SMS audience with confidence
How it works
  • Compliant Setup: We ensure every setting and configuration in Shopify and Klaviyo is set up correctly.
  • Ongoing Confidence: We perform automated daily checks to ensure everything remains correct and compliant.
  • Collect, Verify, Sync, and Maintain: Build an SMS audience supported by audit-ready compliance logs so you know who you can and cannot market to.
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