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Simple, transparent pricing for any business

Try for FREE for 14 days. Grow your email and SMS marketing lists, drive repeat purchases and increase revenue.
20% off

What is your average monthly order volume?

Most popular

Email only

$208/ Month*
20% off
  • 1 channel audience
  • Checkout consent collection
  • Optimized based on the contact’s location
  • Comprehensive validation and audit-ready consent logs
  • Klaviyo list management and real-time status syncing
Start Free Trial

Email and SMS

$333/ Month*
36% off
  • 2 channel audiences
  • Checkout consent collection
  • Optimized based on the contact’s location
  • Continuous monitoring of your SMS compliance setup
  • Comprehensive validation and audit-ready consent logs
  • Klaviyo list management and real-time status syncing
Start Free Trial

*Your subscription will be billed annually

Frequently Asked Questions
Dataships charges based on your store’s monthly average order volume. This is the average number of orders that go through the checkout per month. You can check this in your Shopify Admin by going to Analytics > Reports and following this URL format: /reports/orders_over_time?since=-365d&until=today&over=month
Yes, we offer a 14-day free trial. Depending on which plan you’d like to trial, you get full access to those features. At the end of the 14-day period, if you haven’t cancelled in the interim, you will begin to be charged for your plan.
Your billing is handled via Shopify so you don’t have to enter credit card information at any point. The charges associated with your Dataships’ plan will appear directly on your Shopify invoice. All charges are billed in USD monthly or annually depending on your chosen plan.
If you need to switch plan because you’d like to collect consent for a new channel (e.g. SMS) or your store’s typical monthly order volume has changed then please reach out to a member of our Customer Success team at
Depending on the plan you select, we offer a variety of support options to help you get started and scale with our products. All plans offer engagement with our support team via email and chat in relation to onboarding guidance and product advice. Higher volume plans also include a dedicated Customer Success Manager to help with strategy, including periodic performance reviews.
No, our setup process can be completed by anyone as long as you have the right permissions in Shopify and Klaviyo. Get started by simply installing our app from the Shopify app store and follow our short onboarding to get fully set up in under 5 minutes.
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